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Around the world, people are experiencing both the subtle and stark effects of climate change. Gradually shifting weather patterns, rising sea levels and more extreme weather events are all clear and devastating evidence of a rapidly changing climate.
In Kenya, small-holder farmers rely on the rainy season to grow food and build stability for their families. But as the climate crisis intensifies and weather patterns become less predictable, their livelihoods and their communities are now at risk.
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Miriam Muthini Daniel, 24, herding her goats. She used DigiFarm to plant another cash crop this year, green grams (a legume). The plants were destroyed by the drought, drying up at only a few inches tall, but because the DigiFarm seeds automatically come with insurance, she is protected and won’t need to deplete other resources to cover the lost income.
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Through a new partnership with NASA, Mercy Corps is expanding our AgriFin program to connect farmers with satellite data. State-of-the-art imagery, modelling, and analysis will help small-holder farmers manage their crops and adapt to climate change.
Working with NASA will bring satellite-to-soil data and earth modelling to inform hyper-local insights into weather, soil moisture, water availability, the best crops for each field and the right time to plant. It’s our partnerships that power it and allow it to make meaningful impact in the lives of small-scale farmers.